Fall is nearly here and the changing of the season brings several household tasks homeowners should perform to keep their home safe as colder temperatures approach. Here is a list of what to do:
- Care for trees and shrubs.
- Rake leaves
- Clean gutters and downspouts.
- Make exterior repairs
- Seal gaps where critters could enter.
- Check walkways, railings, stairs and the driveway for winter safety.
- Stock up on winter supplies.
- Shut off exterior faucets and store hoses.
- Add weatherstripping.
- Check safety devices.
- Remove window A/C units and winterize evaporative coolers.
- Clean dryer vents.
- Deep-clean the kitchen.
- Conduct an energy audit.
- Schedule a chimney cleaning and heating system maintenance.
For more details on why these tasks are important to tackle now click on the link below: