Baking at High Altitude

Can you believe it?! The holiday season is nearly upon us. If you’re planning to do some holiday baking and you’re in a high altitude region, such as Santa Fe, you’ll need to make some adjustments with your recipes. Check out this site for some helpful tips.

The Festival of the Cranes

The Festival of the Cranes starts today at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in Socorro. Seeing thousands of these majestic birds descend upon this refuge during their winter migration is a sight of mighty wonder and beauty. Get over there if you can!

Horno history lesson

Hornos are outdoor ovens made from mud adobe. Shaped like a beehive and using wood as the heat source, hornos were originally introduced by the Moors to the Iberian Peninsula. They caught on quickly and spread to all lands occupied by the Spanish and can still be found on properties throughout New Mexico.   Derived … Read more

San Diego Feast Day at the Pueblo of Jemez

San Diego Feast Day at the Pueblo of Jemez is tomorrow, November 12th. Set among dramatic, stunning red rock formations, the Pueblo of Jemez is located an hour northwest of Albuquerque and has a population of approximately 3,400. Enjoy traditional foods such as kiva bread and green chile stew. Yum!!

Crazy Heart

Jeff Bridges won the Oscar for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in 2009’s Crazy Heart, filmed in New Mexico. The iconic Santa Fe Opera House, Evangelo’s Cocktail Lounge, and Patrick Smith Park are Santa Fe highlights featured in the film. Also starring Maggie Gyllenhaal, Crazy Heart is a poignant story about … Read more

Dixon Studio Tour!

In its 35th year, the Dixon Studio Tour is a wonderful way to take in the last glorious days of autumn while tackling your holiday shopping. Visit the studios of over two dozen artists, as well as businesses offering locally sourced wine, herbs, and produce in this small town nestled in the Embudo Valley located … Read more

City of Rocks State Park

It is starting to feel a little nippy here in Santa Fe! Not the greatest time to go camping if you are wimpy like us, so at this time of year we like to head down south to City of Rocks State Park. Temperatures are still in the mid to high 60’s and camping here … Read more

Petroglyph National Monument in Albuqerque

New Mexico boasts more than a half dozen areas designated as sites where petroglyphs are protected and can be accessed by the public. Albuquerque offers the Petroglyph National Monument, with trails that begin within city limits, and is home to more than 20,000 petroglyphs made first by Pueblo, Apache, and Navajo people and later, by early … Read more